
Monday, December 28, 2009

Friends with benefits

So as I said yesterday I'm sick, I have a damn cold, and I'm cranky as hell. These are the days where I'm the most grateful that I work for myself. I wake up pop a few advil sinus, make myself a cup of tea and crawl back into bed with my trusty laptop. I actually had quite a productive day.
What I was most grateful for today was my friend Chod (obviously that's his nickname). He came by with a container of chicken broth, what a saint totally saved me from eating store bought veggie stock, which really has no healing effects at all. You know what they say about chicken soup - Jewish penicillin.
It was great! I Boiled some carrots and celery and an onion with a bay leaf, and 2 frozen dill cubes. Some black peppercorns and a pinch of sea salt. Once they were tender I removed the veggies, and used the water to boil a cup of Israeli cous cous. I threw everything together with the chicken broth, and voila the perfect sick kid lazy chicken soup.
God I love my friends - thanks Chod.

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